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AHVED PROJECTS AHVED respectfully acknowledges the tremendous support international governments, humanitarian agencies and NGOs have provided to St. Marc and other communities in Haiti for many years. However, international support has consistently emphasized humanitarian aid over systemic redevelopment of the nation’s economy and infrastructure. AHVED believes in order for Haiti’s population to become stable and self-sustaining, there must be a paradigm shift in the approach organizations use in deploying their assistance. AHVED’s goal is to deliver assistance in a way that allows Haiti to grow, develop and prosper one community at a time. Medical Relief Solution Now Infrastructure Agriculture Education Environment Radio Shows Healthcare Ville D'Espoir at Saint-Marc College Tuition AHVED Youth Palm Beach Community Center
medical care Medical care is essential to preventing, diagnosing, treating and curing illnesses. The medical resources below give low-income and no-income population access to free or reduced health care for those who qualify. United Way 211 SantePlus Medical Center A culturally based preventive care management clinic, which aims to provide high quality primary care, and preventive care while using the patients’ primary language and taking into consideration their culture, with the integration of health education, and patient self-responsibility. 3822 Broadway, Suite A, Fort Myers, FL 33901 (239) 900-9170 Website: Florida Lions Eye Clinic (Eye Care) Onsite screenings and clinical care to many in underserved areas of the community, particularly in southwest Florida. Qualified patients can visit the Bonita Springs Clinic and receive a wide range of quality eye care services and medical treatments free of charge. 10322 Pennsylvania Ave., Bonita Springs, FL 34135 (239) 498-3937 Website: Hodges University (Dental Care) Hodges University's Dental Hygiene students have been learning from experienced dental hygienists and dentists. Now, they are applying their developing knowledge and skills to help the children and adults in our community receive the preventative dental care they need. Good dental care is key to good overall health. The clinic offers preventative dental hygiene care for children and adults. Services include: Oral Health Screening; Preventative Dental Cleaning; Digital X-Rays 4501 Colonial Blvd Fort Myers, Florida 33966 (239) 938-7787 Email: Website: Lee County Department of Health The Florida Department of Health in Lee County (DOH-Lee) is one of 67 Public Health Departments under the governance of the integrated Florida Department of Health (DOH). Although DOH-Lee is a state agency, it maintains a very strong partnership with Lee County Government. 3920 Michigan Avenue, Fort Myers, FL 33916 (239) 332-9501 Website: Mental Health Resources For individuals and communities are available at . Floridians’ health and well-being are a top priority, and the Department of Children and Families is reminding individuals that they are not alone. (800) 985-5990 Website: NAMI of Lee, Charlotte and Hendry Counties (Mental Health) An organization of families, friends and individuals whose lives have been affected by mental illness. Together, we advocate for better lives for those individuals who have a mental illness. 8191 College Parkway, Suite 201, Fort Myers, FL 33919 Phone: (239) 337-9024 - Lee/Hendry County Phone: (941) 787-2763 - Charlotte County Website: Comprehensive List of Resources Website: Local Resources - NAMI Lee, Charlotte and Hendry Counties
health education The Health Education with AHVED Course is designed to teach participants about health-related issues and promote behaviors that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Our health education course is delivered through a variety of channels, including webinars, community events, healthcare providers, and public health campaigns. In The Health Education Course with AHVED, you will learn about health-related issues and behaviors you can implement that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. The course is offered in various formats, such as online classes, in-person workshops, or self-paced study programs. This course covers a wide range of topics, including healthy eating and nutrition, physical activity, disease prevention and management, mental health and stress management, substance abuse prevention, sexual health, and injury prevention. This course will teach participants ways to improve their knowledge and skills related to health and wellness in order to make informed health decisions, and promote a healthy lifestyle for themselves and their family.
emergency resources Disasters can happen at any time and any place. Preparing is vital to surviving before help arrives. After the disaster there are programs to get you back on your feet. Review the community resources below to get started. United Way 211 Emergency Resources Update LEE COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT INFORMATION Website: FEMA Disaster victims can obtain additional information and apply for disaster assistance through FEMA in various ways. A toll-free number has been established by FEMA for disaster victims to apply for certain types of disaster programs and obtain information about others. You can obtain information by calling. Phone: (800) 621-FEMA (3362) DISASTER ASSISTANCE - SBA Disaster Loan Businesses of all sizes located in declared disaster areas, private nonprofit organizations, homeowners, and renters affected by declared disasters, including civil unrest and natural disasters such as hurricanes, flooding, and wildfires can qualify. SAFE AND FOUND PERSONS To report someone has been found and is safe Website: REPORT A MISSING PERSON To report a missing person Website: FILE AN UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIM To file a Unemployment claim. Governor DeSantis has waived work search, work registration. To file a claim, go to and select “File a Claim”, visit a local CareerSource Career Center, or call 1-800-385-3920. Customer service representatives are available Monday through Friday at the 800 number from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time to assist claimants. ******************************************************************* If you lost your job due to the Hurricane-File a DUA claim Disaster Unemployment Assistance is available to those who are ineligible to receive federal or state Reemployment Assistance benefits and the individual meets one of the following requirements: •Is unemployed as a direct result of the major disaster; •Was scheduled to start employment but was unable to as a direct result of the major disaster; •Is unable to reach their job or self-employment location because the individual has to travel through an affected area and is prevented from doing so as a direct result of the major disaster; •Has become the primary breadwinner because the head of the household died as a direct result of the major disaster; or unable to work because of an injury that was a direct result of the major disaster. For DUA claims information, call 1-833-FL-APPLY (1-833-352-7759) to speak with a representative. BUSINESS DAMAGE Assessment Survey The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) and the State Emergency Response Team (SERT) activated the Business Damage Assessment Survey in response to Hurricane Ian. Survey responses will allow the state to expedite Hurricane Ian recovery efforts by gathering data and assessing the needs of affected businesses. DISASTER ASSISTANCE FOR BUSINESSES A list of state and federal resources available for businesses to utilize in their mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery activities. Website: RESOURCE PAGE Enterprise Florida For any businesses affected by Hurricane Ian, Enterprise Florida has launched a Disaster Assistance Resources Page with a list of state and federal resources available for businesses to utilize in their mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery activities. IRS Excise Tax IRS will waive tax penalties on disasters on a case-by-case basis. Phone: (800) 829-1040 FLORIDA TRAFFIC CONDITIONS Check out Florida 511 BOIL WATER NOTICES Note, your utility will have the latest and most up-to-date information. But See the boil water notices below Boil Water Notices Website: STATE ASSISTANCE INFORMATION LINE The State Assistance Information Line (SAIL) is a toll-free hotline activated at the time of an emergency to provide an additional resource for those in Florida to receive accurate and up-to-date information regarding an emergency or disaster situation impacting Florida. SAIL hotline: 800-342-3557 During an emergency, the hotline is operational daily at set hours depending on the severity of the event. Be sure to stay tuned to your local officials and/or log on to during an emergency event for exact hours of operation. HOUSING UPDATES If your family has been displaced, we encourage you to visit . This free, statewide search platform is updated to ensure all listings are accurate and can help you quickly locate an affordable rental property. If you do not have Internet access, you may also call the following toll-free number for assistance in conducting a search: 1-877-428-8844. If your home sustained damage as a result of the storm, your local State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) program office may have recovery assistance available to help with temporary relocation, rental assistance, debris removal, and/or home repairs. Please contact your local SHIP office directly for more information: Local Government Information LEE COUNTY LEGAL AID SOCIETY A private, nonprofit organization that provides free legal aid to low income residents of Lee County. 2400 First Street, Suite 214 Fort Myers, FL 33901 (239) 334-6118 Website: Expedia Emergency Accommodations Emergency Accommodations Module from Expedia provides real-time hotel availability to impacted travelers throughout the state. This module is automatically populated from Florida inventory information provided to Expedia. If you haven’t already, add your property to Expedia and keep your listing details and inventory up-to-date Join Expedia Listing your property on Expedia is FREE, and includes top travel booking websites such as,, Travelocity, and Orbitz. To learn more and sign up, click here . Volunteer & Donation Updates Volunteer Florida - Hurricane Ian Volunteer Opportunities Volunteer Florida exists to endorse volunteerism as a solution to critical issues in Florida. As Florida communities recover from the devastating impact of Hurricane Ian, Volunteer Florida has heard from many members who want to help and get their companies and employees involved in recovery efforts. If you are interested in learning more, a variety of opportunities can be found on the Volunteer Connect platform. Florida Disaster Fund First Lady Casey DeSantis has announced the activation of the Florida Disaster Fund to support Florida’s communities impacted by Hurricane Ian. In partnership with public, private, and other non-governmental organizations, the Florida Disaster Fund supports response and recovery activities. To contribute, please visit http: or text DISASTER to 20222. ROAD AND BRIDGE CLOSURES Website: Comprehensive List of Resources Website: Local Resources - NAMI Lee, Charlotte and Hendry Counties
about us The Association of Haitians Living Abroad for Development (AHVED) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit network of Haitians, Haitian-Americans, Haitian émigrés, community organizers and their supporters. Founded in 2007 by a group of concerned Haitian-American professionals with the unified mission to empower all Haitians at home and abroad, embrace Haitian youth and help Haitian immigrants in the United States successfully integrate into American society by promoting education, positive activities for the youth, patriotism and social responsibility. AHVED aims to connect the Haitian Diaspora and inspire those that can support others still struggling. AHVED looks to engage Haitian living abroad in the development of communities back home through well-managed projects. SUPPORT US TODAY AHVED IN HAITI: Since 2007, AHVED has raised money to provide scholarships, uniforms, books and materials plus lunch for over 250 primary school children to attend school each year in St. Marc, Haiti and surrounding villages. They also provide support to the teachers and school administrators, including teacher training opportunities. In 2009, AHVED constructed a simple schoolhouse in a remote village to spare some of the younger children the 5km walk each way to school and staffed the schoolhouse. Through primarily private contributions, AHVED continues to support nearly 300 elementary school children every year. On January 12, 2010, Haiti suffered a 7.0 magnitude earthquake affecting over three million people. The Haitian government estimated at least 300,000 people were killed and another 150,000 experienced a traumatic or surgical amputation . AHVED was one of the first Haitian organizations abroad to respond, with the AHVED Medical Relief Team making its first trip to Haiti on January 21st 2010 with 30 doctors, nurses and other health care professionals and thousands of pounds of medical equipment and supplies, much of it donated by Palm Beach County hospitals. They opened a full-scale surgical unit in Petite Riviere L’Arbonite, 65 miles from Port-Au-Prince, performing approximately 15 major surgeries a day, while treating scores of broken bones and minor injuries. After 2 successful surgery missions, AHVED partnered with Light of the World Charities to coordinate 4 more week-long medical missions, serving over 3,000 patients. AHVED’s team committed to preserving limbs providing the necessary follow up care, unlike in other areas with near 100% amputation rates, which leaves already poor people disabled and more challenged. Observers called the AHVED team a “shining light” in the overall disaster relief effort because of its ability to accept patients from hospitals that were buckling under the weight of an unprecedented patient load. AHVED rotated ongoing medical relief teams through Haiti’s Charles Colimon Hospital after the immediate crisis had past, bringing preventative health and chronic care providers such as gynecologists, infectious disease and internal medicine specialists, dental and pediatric surgeons. After the Earthquake, over 50,000 refugees from Port-au-Prince settled in the St. Marc region, adding strain to already failing infrastructure. AHVED developed a partnership with the City of Saint-Marc, coordinating logistics for donations of heavy equipment from 2010 to 2014 and has continued to serve as a resource to Haitian communities in need, including after Hurricane Matthew leveled more communities in 2016 and reawakened the country's cholera epidemic. AHVED in the USA: In addition to supporting efforts in Haiti, AHVED has worked tirelessly to connect Haitian immigrants in the United States to resources and information. The US is home to the largest Haitian migrant population. Most Haitian immigrants in the United States arrived before the earthquake and have formed well-established communities in Florida and New York. From 1990 to 2015, the Haitian immigrant population tripled in size. AHVED recognizes many Haitian parents are busy working multiple jobs and need support in creating safe activities for their children. In 2014 AHVED developed a teen program for about 30 Haitian teens, ages 14 to 19 from throughout Palm Beach County. AHVED coordinated a teen talent show complete with cash prizes. The teen talent initiative led to a teen job development initiative with internship assignments matching English-speaking 1st generation American youth with places of business in fields they think they are interested in so they can gain experience and have professional mentors – accountants, lawyers, etc., and help them to be clear in their career choices. The youth internship program has been expanded to include internships for adults- professionally-trained Haitian immigrants looking to transition into professional positions here in the USA. AHVED is now pursuing matching grants for a scholarship fund for both Haitian youth and adults to go to college. AHVED has served as a vital resource to Haitians living in the United States, to build safe, stable and productive lives able to support their families as well as contribute to their new communities. The health of our immigrant communities is critical for the health of our state. One in five residents in Florida is an immigrant, making up more than a fourth of Florida’s labor force . Additionally, 12.5% of native-born Floridians have at least one immigrant parent . The Haitian immigrant community at 8.3% is Florida’s second largest, second only to Cubans and leading Mexicans at 6.8%. The Haitian immigrant community is a critical component of Florida’s labor force. In 2015, about 79 percent of Haitian immigrants were working age (18-64), only 6% are children under the age of 18. Despite high labor force participation, Haitian immigrants are more likely to be employed in low-wage service occupations than both foreign- and native-born populations: Haitian immigrants (38%), all immigrants (24%), native born (17%). The median household income for Haitians in 2015 was lower than that of the overall foreign-born population. Haitian immigrant households had a median income of $47,200 in 2015 dollars, compared to $51,500 for foreign-born households and $56,500 for native born-headed households. Over the years, the Haitian community has grown. Unfortunately, the large growth of the Haitian Immigrant community has brought with it an increase in exploitation and cultural isolation. AHVED has stayed by their side guiding the community in the areas of immigration help, health insurance, taxes, public health concerns, digital literacy – how to apply online for jobs and benefits, etc. Essentially how to survive in USA, what are the laws here, how to stay out of trouble and how to keep their children out of trouble.
- AHVED | Haitian CharityAHVED
Making a Difference Start Here Your donation can change lives. Help us support those in need by donating to our non-profit. Every contribution, big or small, makes an impact. DONATE Real solutions for real needs. Nothing at AHVED SUPPORT CENTER happens without purpose. As a nonprofit humanitarian organization, AHVED works alongside communities to bring solutions to the root causes of poverty and hunger. AHVED’s strategically designed programs unlock capacity for growth and are fueled by kindness. They are multifaceted. Holistic. Life-changing. Help us fight poverty. Businesses, organizations, and churches can each join the movement of compassion and kindness. Donate Volunteer No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. our mission AHVED’s mission is to empower people throughout the Haitian Diaspora through community-based advocacy, provide desperately needed educational opportunities for children who live in Haiti and help Haitian immigrants to the U.S. successfully integrate into American society by promoting education, literacy, positive youth activities, patriotism and social responsibility. Read more SUBSCRIBE Subscribe to Our Newsletter Join Thanks for submitting! PROJECTS MORE
housing Title People with low income , seniors , and people with disabilities may qualify for help to get affordable rental housing . Check the resources below to learn more. United Way 211 Finding Stable Housing NAMI For someone with a mental health condition, the basic necessity of a stable home can be hard to come by. The lack of safe and affordable housing is one of the most powerful barriers to recovery. When this basic need isn’t met, people cycle in and out of homelessness, jails, shelters and hospitals. Having a safe, appropriate place to live can provide stability to allow you to achieve your goals. Website: H ome Purchase Assistance Applications Accepted Now! Home buyers can obtain up to $35,000 to help purchase a home. Your income must qualify per HUD income limits for Lee County. Anyone interested must attend a home-buyer education class from a HUD approved Housing Counseling Agency to obtain a commitment for a mortgage from a lending institution and you must live in the home. Assistance will be in the form of a no interest/ no payment second mortgage on the property being purchased. To start your application, visit, or call 239-321-7965. Residents outside of the City of Fort Myers City Limits must call the Lee County Human and Veteran Services at 239-533-7900 for possible assistance with housing rehabilitation. Residents within the City of Cape Coral City Limits much call the Cape Coral Housing Development Corporation at 239-471-0922 for possible assistance with housing rehabilitation. Homeowner Insurance Deductible Assistance SHIP-DR Homeowner Insurance Deductible Assistance Florida Housing Finance Corporation awarded the City of Fort Myers funding to help residents impacted by Hurricane Ian pay their home insurance deductibles. Applications are being processed through Lee County’s SHIP program. How to Apply Application forms are available at or are available for pick-up between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Community Development/Public Works building located at 1500 Monroe St, 2nd floor, Downtown Fort Myers. The application must be completed in its entirety, signed, dated, and witnessed/notarized where applicable. Residents within Cape Coral City Limits Please contact the City of Cape Coral at . AIRBNB Airbnb has launched a special website to help Hurricane Ian Relocation efforts for impacted residents at . The page features open (vacant and available for rent) properties that are available to be booked outside of the FEMA Disaster zones. As communities become fully restored with water and electricity, Airbnb will add more open properties to . For displaced residents of Lee and Charlotte counties, Airbnb is also working with their nonprofit partners to offer vouchers for temporary housing at Airbnb properties. More info: . Lee County Housing Authority The mission of the Lee County Housing Authority is to assist low-income families with safe, decent, and affordable housing opportunities as they strive to achieve self-sufficiency and improve their lives. The LCHA is committed to operating in an efficient, ethical, and professional manner, and will create and maintain partnerships with its clients and appropriate community agencies in order to accomplish this mission. Website: Lee County Homeless Coalition The Lee County Homeless Coalition is a non-profit advocacy group made up of community and faith-based service providers, local businesses, people who are currently experiencing or who have experienced homelessness, and other advocates committed to ending homelessness. Website: US Government Housing - Find Affordable Housing Learn about government programs that help low-income people find affordable rental housing. Each of the programs - subsidized housing, public housing, and housing choice vouchers - is different. Get the details on how they work, who is eligible, and how to apply. Website: Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Helping you meet your housing needs. HUD provides housing support and uplifts communities. Let us guide your next steps to the right place. Comprehensive List Shelters Website:
FOOD ASSISTANCE Food Assistance Programs help communities overcome food disparities and serve as a first line of defense against hunger. Food provides vital support to the low-income, unemployed, homeless and elderly households. Below are food resources to help those in need get back on your feet. United Way 211 Interfaith Charities of South Lee Provides a food pantry for needy residents located south of Gladiolus to Coconut Road, Estero. 17592 Rockefeller Circle, Fort Myers, FL (239) 267-3510 Website: Community Cooperative, Fort Myers Beach Outreach Operates a food pantry for low-income households. 100 Chapel Street, Fort Myers Beach, FL (239) 332-7687 Website: Salvation Army Lee, Hendry and Glades Counties Provides food assistance. 10291 McGregor Boulevard, Fort Myers, FL (239) 278-1551 Website: Florida Department of Children and Families - Statewide Provides food assistance programs to qualified families by utilizing ACCESS Self-Service Portal which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. (850) 300-4323 Website: Finding Food Assistance - National Information on government benefits programs, sources for supplemental groceries, and other ways to save money on food. Website: Food Pantries Website: Comprehensive List of Resources Website: Local Resources - NAMI Lee, Charlotte and Hendry Counties
EVENTS RAISING AWARENESS TO IMPROVE THE LIVES OF THE MOST VULNERABLE people IN OUR COMMUNITY Donate Dear Commu nity Partners, We are thrilled to unveil the upcoming AHVED Back to School Bash, slated for July 19, 20, and 21 on the West Coast (Ft. Myers, Naples and Immokalee) and Aug. 3, 10 and 27 on the East and Central Coasts (Ft. Pierce, Palm Springs, and Orlando)! These events promise to be a vibrant celebration for families, featuring a range of exciting activities aimed at promoting health, wellness, and educational empowerment throughout our community. Join us for events brimming with music and entertainment, essential health screenings, delectable food offerings, and a dynamic array of activities for all ages! As we continue to finalize the event details, including a backpack giveaway with school supplies and additional surprises, we anticipate an unforgettable day of unity and enjoyment. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our esteemed community partners, whose unwavering support and dedication have made this event possible. A special appreciation goes to Florida Blue, Best Insurance USA, Sante Plus Medical Center, and Radio Evolution Inter 88.3 FM for their generous contributions and commitment to the well-being of our community. We are excited to announce that this event is free to the public, ensuring that everyone in our community has the opportunity to participate and enjoy the festivities. We cordially invite you to bring your entire family and join us as we come together to celebrate the joys of summer and the pursuit of good health. Let us unite as a community to champion healthy living and create lasting memories through this enriching event. For further details about the AHVED Back to School Bash, please contact us at (239) 249-3423. Regard s, Pauline Jean-Simon Founder & CEO AHVED Thank you to our sponsors
Home Who We Are Community Resources Copy of Emergency Resources Programs Events Get Involved! New Page Blog Search Results More make an impact by becoming a friend of ahved When you become a Friend of AHVED, you are making a commitment to invest $100 (annually) or $10 per month because you understand that it takes time and financial resources to empower people through community-based advocacy. Your Friendship is a great way to get involved and send a message that you are standing up to empower immigrants through immigration support services, learning English as a Second Language (ESL), financial literacy, and health education. We have two (2) Friends of AHVED Giving Levels: $100.00 (Annual Commitment) - Friend of AHVED Benefits: Click here to become a Friend of AHVED Recognition on our Website Recognition on Radio Evolution Inter 88.3 FM Fort Myers (reaching over 100,000) Name on AHVED's Donor Wall of Fame in the Support Center Invitation to Annual Friends Appreciation Luncheon $500.00 (Annual Commitment ) - Business Friend of AHVED Benefits: Click here to become a Business Friend of AHVED Recognition on our Website with a link to Company's Website One interview annually and Recognition on Radio Evolution Inter 88.3 FM Fort Myers (reaching over 100,00) Company name prominently placed on AHVED's Donor Wall of Fame in the Support Center Invitation to Annual Friends Appreciation Luncheon If you have any questions, please give us a call at (239) 249-3423, WhatApp at (239) 600-9735 or email to .
Home Who We Are Community Resources Copy of Emergency Resources Programs Events Get Involved! New Page Blog Search Results More CONNECT WITH US TODAY AHVED is The Association of Haitians Living Abroad for the Development. Our mission is to create the largest network of organized Haitians ever and improve the situation of Haitians living at home and abroad. Office Phone: (239) 249-3423 WhatsApp: (239) 600-9735 3822 Broadway Suite C Fort Myers, FL 33901 Submit Thanks for submitting!
Affordable Connectivity Program CHANGING LIVES SINCE 1967 Lee County Legal Aid Society is a critical resource for free legal support, delivered with compassion and expertise by qualified attorneys in our community. They have been dedicated to providing free legal aid for low-income residents of Lee County. Their attorneys and certified legal representatives act as trusted counselors, community supporters and educational providers to those in need. Legal Aid Lee County Legal Aid Society 2400 First Street, Suite 214 Fort Myers, FL 33901 Phone: (239) 334-6118 Email: SIGN UP FOR A FREE PERSONAL LEGAL CONSULTATION The benefit of having expert guidance is within reach with Lee County Legal Aid Society’s FREE “Self Help” 20-minute Legal Clinic – a confidential Zoom session with a panel of qualified attorneys. No pre-qualification is necessary for Lee County Legal Aid Society’s FREE 20-minute Legal Clinic, but registration is required, and they cannot advise individuals who already have an attorney or if a conflict exists with their office. There is no deposit or retainer fee as Lee County Legal Aid Society never charges for legal services. All appointments are currently virtual and conducted on the Zoom platform. To schedule an appointment, please visit . Select “Fort Myers Court“, then click “Legal Aid Appointments“. LEGAL CASE TYPES They see many different types of legal cases. Examples of some of the types of legal cases they may help you with include: Immigration Services Landlord/Tenant Wage Garnishment/Debt Collections Small Claims legal cases Civil court legal cases Probate, (Wills, Trusts & Estates) Family Law Foreclosure Name Change Employment Real Estate Insurance Fraud Personal Injury The attorneys cannot represent the customer in court, but may provide referrals to attorneys, if needed. Legal consultations will not be provided for criminal legal cases, intellectual property or maritime matters.